FINALLY.  Actually, it wasn't nearly as painful as anticipated.  This new site includes MANY more images and links to other fun stuff.  I've also created an image gallery where I can put 'orphaned' images so that they're not just hidden on my computer's hard drive.  Future plans include a document with a proper family tree and a names index.  Also, I have some family histories of wives missing and on the list of things to do.  I will also be creating a sub-page for my mother-in-law's family, though I'm not sure how I'm going to link it up to this one without breaking my "No living family members" rule.  Perhaps it will be a page unto itself :)
1/2/2018 04:51:47 pm

Just ran across this 4 Aug 1803 power of attorney from Moses Westover of Sutton, Lower Canada (now Quebec) to his son Lyman of Sheffield, Mass.


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